Linkx's Links Page

Last updated: April 9, 1999

Games out for the PlayStation: Um Jammer Lammy, Chocobo Racing, KOF 98, Puffy, Soul Samurai, and Rising Zan.

Woah, this page is one year old! Guess I need an update, so here it is. Well, I still have a lot of school work, but yeah, I still have time to surf da net. Then why didn't I update my homepage for so long? Cuz I'm bored of doing it. There's no competition anymore. Before, I did this page to compete with my friends' page. But now html ain't that hot anymore, so I stopped. I don't know when the next update will be either. It's all up to if I feel like giving the page an update. In the meantime, HaVe FuN!
You can reach my page by typing in the short version: or the long version: . But the short one will bring up 2 banners while the long one will bring up only 1.


1) Took forms out cuz they didn't work

    2) Changed from "Favorite?" to "Rating ?/5"

    3)  Added 4 Anime links

    4) Redid the Gamepics and Animepics page. The
       links were broken I think.

    5) Updated some gamelinks, added a lot of new
       ones too.

    6) Changed idollinks page to jpop/kpop/idol
       links page. Added a lot of links.

    7) Updated the misc. links page. Added some
       links too.

    8) Since this page has been up for one year,
       I've added a newer section called specials.
       Check it out. I'm sure you'll like it!

since April 2nd, 1998.

Short Notes (please read):
  • All images are a copyright of their respective owners.
  • Sorry if I have broken links or wrong home page titles. You can tell me which are wrong, and I'll correct it.
  • Page ratings that I give are just my opinion!
  • If you want to submit a link to your page, please fill in the form below.
  • Some of these pages are in Japanese, so you would need a decoder to make the weird text turn into Japanese fonts. To download the decoder, go here: NJ Star
  • New links are at the bottom of the tables.
  • The purpose of this page: This page was created to make it easy for people who surf on the net to just link to "the page". You won't have to remember the location of all those pages. And although you can bookmark pages, I believe that you wouldn't be bookmarking all these links I have. Anyways, it takes up you hard drive space. Just bookmark one page (mine) and you can link to tons of other pages! My page also loads up quickly, now that I've messed around with it some more.

Best viewed in 600x800 pixels on Netscape 3.0 or higher.
Your comments to or through my guestbook (I seldomly check my guestbook though).